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The Melted Crayon

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sloth2.PNG interior.PNG
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Sloth
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Sloth
bulldog.PNG interior.PNG
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Bulldog
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Bulldog
music.PNG interior.PNG
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Music
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Music
paw wallet.PNG interior.PNG
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Woof
sold out
sold out
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Woof
sold out
turtle.PNG back.PNG
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet -Sea turtle
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sold out
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet -Sea turtle
sold out
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Corgi
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sold out
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Corgi
sold out
terrier poodle.PNG interior.PNG
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wrist - Poodle
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wrist - Poodle
cow.PNG interior.PNG
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Cow
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Cow
frog.PNG interior.PNG
Chala Zip Around Wallet, wristlet - Frog
Chala Zip Around Wallet, wristlet - Frog
pug.PNG interior.PNG
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Pug
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Pug
dragonfly.PNG interior.PNG
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Dragonfly
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Dragonfly
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Lazy Cat
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Lazy Cat
owl wallet.png
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Owl
sold out
sold out
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Owl
sold out
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - monkey
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - monkey
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet -
sold out
sold out
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet -
sold out
golden.png back.png
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Golden Retriever
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Golden Retriever
slim cat2.jpg inside.png
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Slim Cat
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Slim Cat
grey tabby.jpg inside.png
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Grey Tabby Cat
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Grey Tabby Cat
Yorkshire.png inside.png
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Yorkshire
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Yorkshire
koala.png inside.png
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Koala
Chala Zip Around Wallet/wristlet - Koala